Thursday, July 5, 2012

When Mama ain't' healthy....

...ain't nothing in the house that's healthy.

I must say that being down like this is really messing up all parts of my world. I have been off one day or two days each week, depending on sub availability. On my days off I have all these grandiose plans to get things caught up, but it never happens. I sleep. and I sleep, and I sleep. I'm like the cats and just move from surface to surface to nap. Quite sad.  On the days I work, I come  home so exhausted I collapse and sleep til morning. I have to say, it's getting old real fast.

So what else isn't healthy?

  • finances. I haven't been keeping track like I do. There are no snowflakes to speak of. I don't have the energy to get groceries. More than once I have sent the boys with $ to go pick up a sub or pita for their supper. Their dad has been working late and it just isn't in me to shop and cook and clean up. bye bye grocery money.
  • body. no walking. no exercise. no truly healthy eating. I am tired but laying around and sleeping makes me feel like crap
  • house. lordy there are piles of laundry to do and tidying. dishes always around. rooms that need cleaning. blarg
  • blogging. I've had zero motivation to blog and hardly even to read other blogs. THAT is when I know things are definitely off kilter.
I feel like I am missing out on so much. I guess I never really realized how sick I was or that this really was going to be with me for the rest of my life.

I am so thankful for this long weekend. DS2 and DH are gone up north camping. DS1 and I are at home and I'm not sure what his plans are. 

I hope I use my time as well as I can and feel like I have done some things and have rested over this weekend. 

Have a great weekend everyone. May it bring you lots and lots of pleasure.


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