It was so lovely that you stopped by on one of my days home from work :-)
And you brought something with you, as any good guest should. thanks so much for that.
On Monday night, our water heater died. It was 10 years or 12 years old. I honestly don't remember. DH will. He called Tuesday to arrange for a new one and installation. Since today was my home day, he had the plumber come in today. I have to admit, I never 'thought' about the water being off and my needing to go to the bathroom. Mom's is only 4 min away though so I relaxed knowing I could go there if need be. While I am on waving terms or idle chit chat over the lawnmower with my neighbours, I haven't been in their houses and would be extremely uncomfortable asking to use their bathroom.
Since we drained the heater last night (by we, I mean DS2 and DH) it only took the guy about 90 min to remove the old one and install the new one.
The cost? heck if I know...we will get the bill. DH says he will take care of it out of his money so that is good. It reminds me again that we really really need to build a 'chit happens' account/ budget line.
Here's to the simple luxury of having running water WITH heat!!
Au Revoir Murphy!! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
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