Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Be Grateful in Times of Need

be grateful in times of need

Our lives go in cycles and at some point everyone experiences challenges in their lifetime. Some more extreme than others. When we are in challenging times it’s not always easy to find the goodness in life, especially when money is tight and we’re faced with worries about our income or family.

Personally I am currently facing one of the biggest challenges of my life and as a result my eyes are blurry from tears and my mind is clogged with worry. These worries keep interrupting my thought process, bring down my mood, and make me feel like crap all day long. It makes for a very difficult and unproductive day and sometimes these worries wake me up in the middle of the night too.

In the past when I have been faced with a big challenge I found that I was able to begin turning things around for the better by being grateful for what I already had in my life that was good.

If you too are struggling and worrying about life, here are some of the things that I practice, and you can too. I can tell you from experience that being grateful can actually work miracles.

Begin by Reminding Yourself About What’s Going Right

If you’re overwhelmed by worry and negative thoughts, find a quiet place, grab a pen and paper and make a list of answers to this question: What do I have to be grateful for in my life?

Start your list with the most obvious things such as your health and family. Do you have a car? A home? Clothes on your back? Food on the table?

  • You don’t have to have the fanciest or the most expensive items for you to be grateful. Even if you buy your clothes at Goodwill, at least you’re clothed and warm. A used car in good condition will get you to work just as easily as a brand new car.


  • Don’t forget to give thanks for the small things in life, such as getting a good parking space at the grocery store, or getting a restful night sleep before an important day.


Appreciating what you already have in life will free you to make positive changes.

Being Grateful In Spite of Setbacks

There’s no denying that you will suffer setbacks in life. It’s a fact of life! While it may be difficult to be grateful during these times, it’s important to remember that good can come from difficult situations.

For example, if you’ve recently lost your job, be grateful for the skills you have. With your skills, experience, and the knowledge you possess, you may end up finding a more fulfilling job that gives you more money or more responsibility while being closer to home.

As strange as it may sound in the moment of despair, try to be grateful during difficult times because, as one door closes, another opens the way to new opportunities. After all, you can’t find bright new possibilities in your life if you don’t experience a setback at one point or another.

Be Thankful For Life’s Setbacks

Setbacks are there to challenge you to be better, stronger, faster, and wiser.

The true test of your attitude is to be thankful for the obstacle ahead of you (even if you don’t understand why it exists in the first place), then push forward, stronger than ever.

Why should you be thankful? Because with each challenge you overcome, you gain the wisdom and courage to succeed the next time around.  And if it weren’t for each and every challenge in your life, you’d never learn and grow!

Being grateful everyday will help you lift that overbearing black cloud that can be so stifling. You’ll begin to realize that life is good and you can make it through anything.



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