Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sunday Night Chit Chat

hosted by Carla at half dozen daily

Haven't done one of these in a long while. Felt almost normal today so I decided to celebrate :-)

Inspiring picture: when DS1 was in Italy and touring the collosseum he was pumped to turn the corner and find a cat. The cat was, to quote DS, "just chilling in the collo mom". LOL Knowing my love for cats, he bid it a cheery bonjourno and snapped a pic.

What am I reading?
The Klone and I by Danielle Steele

What am I Watching?
The pilot episode of the series Unforgettable

What am I Cooking/Baking?
nothing today. had a bbq at mom and dad's for supper

What am I Happy I accomplished?
I got a big exam marked at school and tonight, after supper I cut the grass. I am so out of shape it is ridiculous. 

What am I looking forward to Next week?
Well I am hoping for reasonable health. No fatigue. No migraines. No flares. *fingers crossed*

What am I thankful for today?
Kitty therapy. I went out to my sister's and visited the two batches of newborn kitties. They make my soul sing.

Source: http://shakingthemoneytree.blogspot.com/2012/06/sunday-night-chit-chat.html

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