Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hit the road March!!

K I have to say, March was NOT my favourite month thus far.  I shall be glad to see it gone and I hope that April brings  sunshine and smiles and energy.

My health was not great this month. Not the dregs like December was but certainly not well. I was back to collapsing as soon as I got in the door after work most days. NO fun. I go back to the specialist in mid april so we shall see how I am by then. I also have a great head cold to give away. free!! I should have titled this blog 'free give away'. heh.

We have been bleeding money this week. Some of it planned for and saved for but it still felt painful watching it flitter away. Summer camp cheque. Package policy on my vehicle for insurance. Getting taxes done. etc etc etc. Out of house staples. TP, kleenex. pantry items. cleaning items. blargh

The weather has been up and down. Sunny and plus 10, then minus 20 and a blizzard. then rain. then warm but wind wind wind.  The students have been off kilter too and I am hoping that as the weather evens out, so will they.

Lack of good health = lack of planning = lack of organization = out of control feelings in all aspects of life.

DS1 is done hockey now. Out of playoffs. He'll last til after his trip then he'll start to twitch again and miss it dreadfully.

DS2 is camping this weekend. This is with their local group. Hopefully the rain will hold off. Nothing more fun than wet sleeping bags, wet clothes and a wet kid. Smells GREAT.

My plan for the day is to head off with DS1 and our list from the tour group and his teacher, to make sure we have everything they need for the trip. One week today and he's in the air heading off to Italia. Lucky kid.

Source: http://shakingthemoneytree.blogspot.com/2012/03/hit-road-march.html

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